Instalment Loan

Instalment Loan

An instalment loan is suitable for sole proprietors, as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises planning to expand their activities, acquire new assets, or simply looking to finance their increased need for working capital. Instalment loans are one-time loans that are repaid according to a loan amortisation schedule prepared by one of our client advisers. Your involvement in the loan application and disbursement process enables you to decide when you receive the funds, but also allows you to set the instalment amount that best suits your business needs and repayment capacity.

For Working Capital:
  • Introduce new products
  • Finance working capital gaps due to delayed receivables
  • Finance payments to suppliers and subcontractors

For Investments:

  • Acquire or replace machinery, equipment and transportation vehicles
  • Acquire or build administrative, production and commercial buildings
  • Renovate administrative, production or commercial buildings
  • Based on a loan amortisation schedule of monthly instalments, including interest and principal
  • Seasonal businesses (such as agriculture or tourism) can opt for an individual loan amortisation schedule